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INSPECTO Automation AG, Switzerland / Sniffers for 5 Gallon bottles,Visual Inspection, PET  Recycling Inspection

You are here: Canis 220-420 Vision
Canis 220 420 Side-Shift Vision Base: Sniffer and Camera Base Inspection

Three inspection functions combined in one machine:

·         Contamination inspector (sniffer)

·         Optional leak detection

·         Bottle base inspection with camera (Vision System)

·         Side shift: lateral bottle insertion for higher production speed

·         Side shift allows base inspection

·         Electric height adjustment for different bottle sizes

·         All inspectors are equipped with remote control software

·         Reject conveyor for standing bottle rejection

The four measurement heads of the Canis 420 allow high production speed. Canis 420C Vision+Sniffer: speed up to 3000 bottles per hour (bph).
Canis 420 CL Vision+ Sniffer with additional leak detection 2400 bph.
The Vision System does not influence speed.

The base inspection detects objects or unwanted pollution on the bottom of the bottle. The Vision System can be optionally equipped for the Canis 420 with side-shift.

The side-shift variant of the Canis 420 requires an infeed conveyor which is offset by 700 mm to the outfeed conveyor.

Canis 420CL Side shift Vision

Right side polypropylene bottle, Ok  or Base inspection

Canis 220 and Canis 320 Side-shift Vision


Three inspection functions combined in one machine:

·         Contamination inspector (sniffer)

·         Optional leak detection

·         Bottle base inspection with camera (Vision System)

·         Side-shift: lateral bottle insertion for higher production speed

·         Side-shift allows base inspection

·         Electric height adjustment for different bottle sizes

·         All inspectors are equipped with remote control software

·         Reject conveyor for standing bottle rejection

The side-shift variant is needed here for the vision system (bottle base inspection). Both the Canis 220 and Canis 320 can be equipped with side-shift and the vision system. Side-shift requires an infeed conveyor which is offset by 700 mm to the outfeed conveyor.

The inspectors with the vision system have the same specifications for contamination and leak detection as the inspectors without vision system.

The Canis 220 and 320 can be equipped with a pneumatic height adjustment system which allows inspection of 3, 5 or 6-gallon bottles. The side shift variant automatically adjusts to the bottle diameter.

Canis 220 Side shift Vision

Baseinspection for Canis 220, Canis 320, Canis 420 CL

Vision: Camera base inspection with picture evaluation

The camera is placed in the head together with sniffer and leak tester.
The backlight illumination is intergrated in the machine table. We use long life LED light. This remains stable for years.

The advantage of backlight is that objects are appearing black. This way reliefs like manufaturing dates or rough surface do not appear. Semitransparent objrcts are detectable if they appear darker as the markings. Detection ojects as small as a bee.

The vision evaluation software reconizes objects. The machine control system will reject the detected bottles as well as for contamination or leak.

Below pictures with objects, especially large objets like a straw may not be removed in the washing machine.
Right side a bottle with handle. Only 90% of the base is visible
Vision evaluation of four camera pictures


            Syringe                                    Cigarette but                         Drinking straw                   Bottle with handle with fastener


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